Everyone has some short of psychological incident growing up. We are all suffering severe circumstances because of it but still denying it due to social, emotional, cultural, religion, views or pressures of the outlook of it.
Here are some of the examples of most common Psychological disorders.
(1). Phobia: an anxiety disorder involving irrational and persistent fear of an object or situation the lasts for more than six months. This may trigger panic attacks.
(2). Depression: sadness, apathy or low mood lashing at least 2 weeks and is severe enough to disturbed regular activities.
(3). PTSD: (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a mental disorder that people can develop after experiencing a life threatening or traumatic event like warfare, accident, sexual assault etc.
(4). OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. A type of anxiety disorder in which people have recurring thoughts urges to check something or perform an activity repeatedly.
(5). Bipolar: A mental disorder characterized by unusual mood swings with periods of depression and periods of elevation.
(6). Insomnia: A condition where people find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. This may be caused by different psychiatric and medical conditions.
(7). Eating disorder: it's an illness that involves irregular eating habits and extreme distress about body weight and shape.
(8). Schizophrenia: A serious condition which affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave correctly. Sufferer may find it difficult to distinguish between reality and imagination.
(9). Panic Disorder: A type of anxiety disorder characterized by sudden episodes of fear and panic attacks which typically last about 10 minutes.
Here is the example of what is going on right now with growing disasters for the need to help our loved ones. APHA (American Public Health Association) has been join with other health organizations to discuss this topic more in depths.
Know your symptoms and get help from your desired doctor is necessary to heal from within first. Your old child hood (inner child) wounds has major impact on who you are than debating or denying it.
Thanks to all of my references to get up to date informations.
Please help yourself via root causes than just polishing it from outside.
I want you all to heal first to understand the difference between.
Please comment below if you need help.