The six tastes of life include: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent. While you’re probably most familiar with sweet, sour and bitter tastes, astringent is harder to identify.
🔥Foods with an astringent taste “have drying and cooling qualities,” according to Healthline. Some of these include parsley, beans, turmeric and vanilla.
✅Here are some nutritious foods with each of the six tastes:
Strawberries (sweet)
Lemons (sour)
Almonds (salty)
Cranberries (bitter)
Onions (pungent)
Broccoli (astringent)
🔥To make my grocery list easy to remember, I created the acronym ✅BRAIN FOODS:
B: Berries and beans
R: Rainbow colors of fruits and vegetables
A: Antioxidants
I: Include lean proteins and plant-based proteins
N: Nuts
F: Fiber-rich foods and fermented foods
O: Oils
O: Omega-rich foods
D: Dairy Plant Based
S: Spices #lean
🔥6 exercises to help reduce the risk of dementia
Here are some exercises to consider adding to your routine, according to Jonhenry and Silky Singh Pahlajani, a clinical professor of behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine.
✅Walking or power walking
Riding a bicycle or exercise bike
Cardio machines like the elliptical
Renée Onque is a health and wellness reporter at CNBC Make It. Previously, she covered health and science at the Wall Street Journal and interned for Livestrong.com, covering nutrition, fitness and health. She is a graduate of Lincoln University of PA and the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY.